Between December 2015 and March 2016 I travelled to a number of special islands in the Atlantic ocean. I noticed that during this period of being outside a lot and walking in nature I seldom felt the necessity to meditate. While at home in the city I consciously take time out to sit quietly, the nature environment offered me everything that I needed at that moment. Listening endlessly and looking at unusual sounds around me was like balm for the soul, and did a lot for me. I am grateful for the feeling of timelessness that I was allowed to experience during these three months. Maybe this was for me just another way to meditate.
Being back in The Netherlands with the daily life in a busy city is another story. It is so easy to let yourself be carried away by the everyday rhythm, with all the activities that go along with that, and totally forgetting the peacefulness. So, time to start it again in a conscious way and to allow myself that moment of quietness.

Title: Wherever You Go, There You Are
Author: Jon Kabat-Zinn
ISBN: 9781401307783
Regular meditation is not always easy, especially if you have just started. This book is full of situations from everyday life and exercises that you can use to make meditation a part of your daily life.
The book does not lend itself to reading in one go; I liked to read a chapter every week and get started. For example, start with the following list:
- Voluntary simplicity
- Simple but not easy
- Capturing the moment
- Breathe consciously
- Practice, practice, practice
- Practice is not the same as repeating